Thursday, December 1, 2011

Compare and contrast (university and secondary school)

Education is a long life for the students to go. Students get knowledge from kinder garden, primary school, secondary school and university. After finished study in secondary school, some of the students will continue to study form6 in secondary school, yet some of them will choose university as their future education. They are totally different between secondary school and university. 

contract 1
cloths for both secondary and university students are totally different
1. students who study at secondary school must wear uniform to school
2. students from university, they do not need to wear uniform to school

Activity in university and secondary school also totally different
1.Activity in secondary high school is lack of entertainment
2.But at university, they are a lot of society which is full of entertainment and freedom

Students will also feel so busy either in university or secondary school.
1.In secondary school, students are busy to study in order to take a good result and can get the scholarship from JPA students are also work hand in order to score high CGPA.

Teacher or lecturer is also friendly towards students either in university or secondary school.
1.In secondary school, teacher will help students to solve the questions. lecturer will also help students to solve the assignment problems.

Education is a long life for the students to go, so students must continue to study. Money can’t buy the knowledge yet money can help you to choose a good school to continue to study.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

beginning a new day!Have a nice day and all the best

Morning world =]

     Today I wake up early in the morning.I feel very spirit, it is because i slept early yesterday. When i wake up from the bed and go to drink two cups of warm wate. After finished drank, i am starting to do my business 
tutorial questions. Besides doing business tutorial questions, I am also enjoying the classic music and drinking a few 
cup of teas.It was a awesome morning.In this morning i also listed down my plan for today agenda. 

      For the business, i am going to pass up my tutorial questions to let lecturer mark and hopefully she will satisfaction
about my answer.Apart from that, today I am going to discuss the business assignment with my group members, they 
are Lucas Lee, John Lee and Jason Siao.Ours assignment  is doing about the multiple function of cup, we get an idea from
previous csc assignment. Next i am going to revise my business notes, it is due to test 2 is coming soon on next week.
lastly, I hope my plan will be achieved.

      For the mathematics, i am going to find lecturer or attend the extra classes to make more understand about the next and 
previous chapter. Next, i will go to borrow the math's notes from my friends, it is because i want to make sure i don't leave 
any important explanation. lastly i will try to get out a little bit of times to revise my maths early, it is due to test 2 is coming.

      Economic also one of my plans today.I am going to revise what lecturer had taught recently.Another hand, i will combine 
all of the economics assignment from my group members, they are John Lee, Vkaey Tang and Wei Yan. I will also ask some 
suggestion and plan for ours video presentation.Lastly I hope can overcome all of the barriers which i am facing. 

     English is a big difficult subject for me. I just realized that, recently my English has a little bit of regress, but i 
have already corrected it. As i know English is really important in university, i am going to memorize 3 sentences 
each day and read more online newspaper, as well as i can type the blog 3 times a week.lastly i will try to use 
English to communicate with Indian friends and lecturer as long as my Chinese friends.

    Finally i hope i can keep moving to towards my goals efficiency. Actually sometimes i also needed friends to 
encourage me, it is because i am not a superman.Anyway i hope i always all the best and be brave to face and 
solve the problems  

motivational quote
it was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, "Always do what you are afraid to do."
 From:Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, November 11, 2011

Obesity outline

Obesity is one of the problems which occur in Malaysia. Obesity will lead to several of problems and inconveniency. The reasons why obesity had occurred are due to Malaysians are over-eating, lack of exercise and unbalanced diet.
Body Paragraph:
First cause: Some of the Malaysians are having problem of over-eating.
First effect: It might affect the health of the people that are facing the obesity problems.
Second cause: Those with obesity problem are due to lack of exercise and often use not enough time to do exercise as their excuse.
Second effect: Overweight will be their first symptoms of obesity
Third cause: People with unbalance diet will soon face the problem of obesity.
Third effect: People will always get ill is due to lack of nutrition.
            In conclusion, Malaysians must control their eating habit to avoid facing obesity problem. We must learn to control ourselves not to over-eating. Obesity will bring lots of problem to the victim. People might underestimate the ones that are facing obesity problem because they are afraid that if they will also be isolated because of having friends that are facing obesity problem. Lastly, seek for doctors advice to control ones appetite to avoid obesity.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

compare and contract ( 2 books you have read recently)

Reading book is one of the ways to cultivate or leas us to become a knowledgeable's people. I has just read two types of English books.The book, i had read are win and gold.This two kind of books have their own similarities and differences.

topic sentences: The similarities between win and gold books are they encourage us.
1The win book encourages to be brave to solve all kind of problems.
2Gold book is encourages us about never give up even face the problem.

topic sentences:win and gold books are teaching us the skills to communicate with others.
1 the win book is teaching us to communicate with others automatically.
2 Speak properly and clearly are taught by gold book.

topic sentence: the different information between win and gold book are the background of writer.
1The win books was written by Alisa from Malaysia
2Writer from England wrote the gold books.

In Conclusion, win and gold books are the benefit book for us to read and learn.

cause &effect (watching drama obsessively)

Drama is one of the entertainment, can help us to reduce ours stress.Apart from that,we can also learn a lot of information through Korean drama yet watching Korean drama obsessively will affect teenagers mind, behavior and homework.

paragraph 1
cause:Watching Korean drama obsessively will cause teenagers' behavior changed,
effect:1)Some of the Korean drama are over rude, it will cause teenagers' behavior become rude.
         2)Watching Korean drama will cause some of the teenagers either boy or girl learn Korean style.

cause:Watching Korean drama will also cause students forget to to their homework.
effect:1)students will get a bad result, due to over watching Korean drama from no revision their homework.
         2)student will procrastinate their assignment by over watching Korean drama and finally their assignment
            are lack of information.

paragraph 3
cause:Teenager's mindset will be affected, due to watching Korean drama obsessively.
effect:1)Because of Korean drama's starring wear so handsome or beautiful, teenagers will go to pursue the
            clothes without financial management.
         2)teenagers will become dreaming in their lifestyle, from learning Korean drama.

Watching Korean drama can let us learn many information.But we must have a good time management and have capable to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages part from Korean drama.