Sunday, November 13, 2011

Morning world =]

     Today I wake up early in the morning.I feel very spirit, it is because i slept early yesterday. When i wake up from the bed and go to drink two cups of warm wate. After finished drank, i am starting to do my business 
tutorial questions. Besides doing business tutorial questions, I am also enjoying the classic music and drinking a few 
cup of teas.It was a awesome morning.In this morning i also listed down my plan for today agenda. 

      For the business, i am going to pass up my tutorial questions to let lecturer mark and hopefully she will satisfaction
about my answer.Apart from that, today I am going to discuss the business assignment with my group members, they 
are Lucas Lee, John Lee and Jason Siao.Ours assignment  is doing about the multiple function of cup, we get an idea from
previous csc assignment. Next i am going to revise my business notes, it is due to test 2 is coming soon on next week.
lastly, I hope my plan will be achieved.

      For the mathematics, i am going to find lecturer or attend the extra classes to make more understand about the next and 
previous chapter. Next, i will go to borrow the math's notes from my friends, it is because i want to make sure i don't leave 
any important explanation. lastly i will try to get out a little bit of times to revise my maths early, it is due to test 2 is coming.

      Economic also one of my plans today.I am going to revise what lecturer had taught recently.Another hand, i will combine 
all of the economics assignment from my group members, they are John Lee, Vkaey Tang and Wei Yan. I will also ask some 
suggestion and plan for ours video presentation.Lastly I hope can overcome all of the barriers which i am facing. 

     English is a big difficult subject for me. I just realized that, recently my English has a little bit of regress, but i 
have already corrected it. As i know English is really important in university, i am going to memorize 3 sentences 
each day and read more online newspaper, as well as i can type the blog 3 times a week.lastly i will try to use 
English to communicate with Indian friends and lecturer as long as my Chinese friends.

    Finally i hope i can keep moving to towards my goals efficiency. Actually sometimes i also needed friends to 
encourage me, it is because i am not a superman.Anyway i hope i always all the best and be brave to face and 
solve the problems  

motivational quote
it was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, "Always do what you are afraid to do."
 From:Ralph Waldo Emerson

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