Tuesday, November 8, 2011

compare and contract ( 2 books you have read recently)

Reading book is one of the ways to cultivate or leas us to become a knowledgeable's people. I has just read two types of English books.The book, i had read are win and gold.This two kind of books have their own similarities and differences.

topic sentences: The similarities between win and gold books are they encourage us.
1The win book encourages to be brave to solve all kind of problems.
2Gold book is encourages us about never give up even face the problem.

topic sentences:win and gold books are teaching us the skills to communicate with others.
1 the win book is teaching us to communicate with others automatically.
2 Speak properly and clearly are taught by gold book.

topic sentence: the different information between win and gold book are the background of writer.
1The win books was written by Alisa from Malaysia
2Writer from England wrote the gold books.

In Conclusion, win and gold books are the benefit book for us to read and learn.

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