Sunday, October 2, 2011

The end of the week =}

Finally this week is going to end.Right now I want to tell you guys what I have done and undergoing in this week.They are a few problems what I have faced in this week.

    When I was attending the moral classes, I Just can understood a little bit.Maybe that time, the surrounding class is full of the noisy sound. I try to hear what lecturer taught and found the sentences in the dictionary, yet i still don't know what lecturer had taught on the classes. 

    Fortunately the business studies I still can understood what lecturer had taught. In Saturday morning , I finished the tutorial which given by lecturer efficiency.For this subject, i still can overcome. It because the information which lecturer given us i had studied when i was studying in high school.

    For the economics, I think I also can Overcome it. I can understood what lecturer taught, yet the calculate part I still can't understood. But I am going to learn carefully and clearly. Hope I can handle the calculate part in short time.
     For the English, I really faced a few of big problems. This week lecturer taught us how to use write summary by using the main points and use our own world to write. It is very difficult for me to learn. Whatever how hard English, i will always try my best to overcome it. (lecturer i will find you ) 

    Lastly, the mathematics also make me crazy. A lot of friends said that, students from chinese independent high school are expert in maths. This i can't deny, but for me i am students who also bad in maths.Whatever how hard, i will overcome as well as i can. 
     Finally this semester really very lack of times, i will try to manage my timetable and concentrate on study more. I wish i will not retake in this semester ,because i already 19 years old.    

encourage of sentences

Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring. So dream hope and love...Makes Life Beautiful。

1 comment:

  1. a typical student's life =p and andy, it's sentence of encouragement or we normally call it as motivational quote =D
