Thursday, December 1, 2011

Compare and contrast (university and secondary school)

Education is a long life for the students to go. Students get knowledge from kinder garden, primary school, secondary school and university. After finished study in secondary school, some of the students will continue to study form6 in secondary school, yet some of them will choose university as their future education. They are totally different between secondary school and university. 

contract 1
cloths for both secondary and university students are totally different
1. students who study at secondary school must wear uniform to school
2. students from university, they do not need to wear uniform to school

Activity in university and secondary school also totally different
1.Activity in secondary high school is lack of entertainment
2.But at university, they are a lot of society which is full of entertainment and freedom

Students will also feel so busy either in university or secondary school.
1.In secondary school, students are busy to study in order to take a good result and can get the scholarship from JPA students are also work hand in order to score high CGPA.

Teacher or lecturer is also friendly towards students either in university or secondary school.
1.In secondary school, teacher will help students to solve the questions. lecturer will also help students to solve the assignment problems.

Education is a long life for the students to go, so students must continue to study. Money can’t buy the knowledge yet money can help you to choose a good school to continue to study.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

beginning a new day!Have a nice day and all the best

Morning world =]

     Today I wake up early in the morning.I feel very spirit, it is because i slept early yesterday. When i wake up from the bed and go to drink two cups of warm wate. After finished drank, i am starting to do my business 
tutorial questions. Besides doing business tutorial questions, I am also enjoying the classic music and drinking a few 
cup of teas.It was a awesome morning.In this morning i also listed down my plan for today agenda. 

      For the business, i am going to pass up my tutorial questions to let lecturer mark and hopefully she will satisfaction
about my answer.Apart from that, today I am going to discuss the business assignment with my group members, they 
are Lucas Lee, John Lee and Jason Siao.Ours assignment  is doing about the multiple function of cup, we get an idea from
previous csc assignment. Next i am going to revise my business notes, it is due to test 2 is coming soon on next week.
lastly, I hope my plan will be achieved.

      For the mathematics, i am going to find lecturer or attend the extra classes to make more understand about the next and 
previous chapter. Next, i will go to borrow the math's notes from my friends, it is because i want to make sure i don't leave 
any important explanation. lastly i will try to get out a little bit of times to revise my maths early, it is due to test 2 is coming.

      Economic also one of my plans today.I am going to revise what lecturer had taught recently.Another hand, i will combine 
all of the economics assignment from my group members, they are John Lee, Vkaey Tang and Wei Yan. I will also ask some 
suggestion and plan for ours video presentation.Lastly I hope can overcome all of the barriers which i am facing. 

     English is a big difficult subject for me. I just realized that, recently my English has a little bit of regress, but i 
have already corrected it. As i know English is really important in university, i am going to memorize 3 sentences 
each day and read more online newspaper, as well as i can type the blog 3 times a week.lastly i will try to use 
English to communicate with Indian friends and lecturer as long as my Chinese friends.

    Finally i hope i can keep moving to towards my goals efficiency. Actually sometimes i also needed friends to 
encourage me, it is because i am not a superman.Anyway i hope i always all the best and be brave to face and 
solve the problems  

motivational quote
it was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, "Always do what you are afraid to do."
 From:Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, November 11, 2011

Obesity outline

Obesity is one of the problems which occur in Malaysia. Obesity will lead to several of problems and inconveniency. The reasons why obesity had occurred are due to Malaysians are over-eating, lack of exercise and unbalanced diet.
Body Paragraph:
First cause: Some of the Malaysians are having problem of over-eating.
First effect: It might affect the health of the people that are facing the obesity problems.
Second cause: Those with obesity problem are due to lack of exercise and often use not enough time to do exercise as their excuse.
Second effect: Overweight will be their first symptoms of obesity
Third cause: People with unbalance diet will soon face the problem of obesity.
Third effect: People will always get ill is due to lack of nutrition.
            In conclusion, Malaysians must control their eating habit to avoid facing obesity problem. We must learn to control ourselves not to over-eating. Obesity will bring lots of problem to the victim. People might underestimate the ones that are facing obesity problem because they are afraid that if they will also be isolated because of having friends that are facing obesity problem. Lastly, seek for doctors advice to control ones appetite to avoid obesity.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

compare and contract ( 2 books you have read recently)

Reading book is one of the ways to cultivate or leas us to become a knowledgeable's people. I has just read two types of English books.The book, i had read are win and gold.This two kind of books have their own similarities and differences.

topic sentences: The similarities between win and gold books are they encourage us.
1The win book encourages to be brave to solve all kind of problems.
2Gold book is encourages us about never give up even face the problem.

topic sentences:win and gold books are teaching us the skills to communicate with others.
1 the win book is teaching us to communicate with others automatically.
2 Speak properly and clearly are taught by gold book.

topic sentence: the different information between win and gold book are the background of writer.
1The win books was written by Alisa from Malaysia
2Writer from England wrote the gold books.

In Conclusion, win and gold books are the benefit book for us to read and learn.

cause &effect (watching drama obsessively)

Drama is one of the entertainment, can help us to reduce ours stress.Apart from that,we can also learn a lot of information through Korean drama yet watching Korean drama obsessively will affect teenagers mind, behavior and homework.

paragraph 1
cause:Watching Korean drama obsessively will cause teenagers' behavior changed,
effect:1)Some of the Korean drama are over rude, it will cause teenagers' behavior become rude.
         2)Watching Korean drama will cause some of the teenagers either boy or girl learn Korean style.

cause:Watching Korean drama will also cause students forget to to their homework.
effect:1)students will get a bad result, due to over watching Korean drama from no revision their homework.
         2)student will procrastinate their assignment by over watching Korean drama and finally their assignment
            are lack of information.

paragraph 3
cause:Teenager's mindset will be affected, due to watching Korean drama obsessively.
effect:1)Because of Korean drama's starring wear so handsome or beautiful, teenagers will go to pursue the
            clothes without financial management.
         2)teenagers will become dreaming in their lifestyle, from learning Korean drama.

Watching Korean drama can let us learn many information.But we must have a good time management and have capable to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages part from Korean drama.

Illustrative essay (outline)

Everyone is the same, we only have 365 days in a year ,30days, and 24 hours in a day. Even the richest man or the most successful man have the same amount of days and times with us. But they can manage their time well and do things in time while the ones that always complains that they do not have enough time to finish a specific task in a limited time is because they always procrastinates. The best example are student always procrastinate their assignment, revision and put off the time to prepare their presentation.

Topic sentence-Students  always procrastinate their assignment given by lecturer.
-The time given by lecturer to finish an assignment is usually two to three weeks time.
-Assignment that is given, students always forget when they reach their room because they have mood of still -got time.
-affected by friend.
In conclusion, when the assignment is done around the deadline, even though students  manage finish it, but
the assignment will be lack of information and can't get high marks.

Topic sentence-Students will only do their revision for test when the test is nearly.
-students waste a lot of time to play online games, shopping and so on.
-give excuses such as, not yet test, no mood and so on.
-when the test is tomorrow, they will say not enough time, because they only do their revision the day before
In conclution, when the result is bad,after the lecturer giving back to students, they will get lower marks and try to blame lecturer about their lecture skills is bad.

Paragraph 3
Topic sentence-students will only do their preparation for presentation when the presentation day is coming  
-lack of information in power point
-speaking skills is very bad , due to lack of practice
-students will simply do the slide show.
In conclusion, students can't answer what lecturer are asking the question.

Finally,students must manage their time wisely, they can do a time table for their daily activity. They should have enough determination to follow the time table.Students must do their assignment time by time, do revision every day if possible, and prepare for the presentation.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

assignment 1 completed

Baby dumping

What do you understand from your readings regarding the issue?      

           Nowadays, baby dumping is one of the immoral behaviors which happen seriously in Malaysia community. Most of the cases are happening when close proximity committed between a guy and a woman and resulted in unwanted baby. The amount of babies dumping increase rapidly every year and these issues have brought a lot of problems to the community. Based on Bukit Aman Police station statistics, total 580 babies were found dumped between years 2000 to 2006 and this number of cases increase every year from 65 baby dumping cases increased to 83 cases in the year of 2006.

        What is baby dumping? Baby dumping also means the people who try to murder or attempt to murder the baby.  Many of the baby dumpers cruelly left the baby inside the rubbish bins, on door steps, on the streets even refer to leaving alone at motel bed room and most of the babies are below 12 months after give birth. Baby dumping is happening seriously, it is due to the sexual education of a country is out of date. Sometimes government in Malaysia thought the information of sexual education is enough for the school or they thought this kind of education is very sensitive so government Malaysia would not so concerned on this issues.

        Another hand, due to some families still have conservative thinking, the girl who got pregnancy will not gain support from their family and finally dumping baby as their final result. Next the girl student who got the baby accidentally, they will dump their baby also. The reason is they still want to continue to study and they would not like to let the other students know they have baby, it because this is a disgrace thing. The economic will also affect the number of baby dumping; due to families have not ability to raise their baby.

         Apart from that, baby dumping will lead to mental pressure for a mother, it is because sometime the mother is not willing to abandon or dump their baby as forced by their family. However government come out a lot of policies to punish the baby dumper and save the abandon babies, yet this problem still happen seriously. Lastly moral value in community nowadays has devaluated, it is because people already become selfish, cruelly, unhelpful and so on. We can’t imagine what will happen, if the moral value continues forgotten by mankind.


Why do you think it occurs? Explain your answer.

       They are few causes to show that why baby dumping happens seriously in this new era. It had already showed to us that our countries or societies caused failure in sex education, teenagers’ mindset had already affected by the western culture- open minded thinking, lose support from family, finance problem and so on.

       Firstly, a country failure in sex education will causes a lot of serious problems to teenagers. Basically this kind of education has implemented by a lot of countries and the information updated by following the trend. Currently Malaysia government thinks, sex education they had provided is enough for local education and seldom upgrade. Actually this kind of topic is very sensitive among Malaysia community, so teenagers can’t learn sex education directly.

      Another cause of baby dumping is mindset of teenagers affected by western country. Actually our culture had been affected by western culture since 2020 vision implemented. The western culture not only affects teenagers mind set, it also affects teenagers’ wearing and speaking style. The reason behind why baby dumping will become seriously is teenagers watch porn though internet.

     Finance problems are also one of the cause babies dumping happen seriously. Some of the family will dump their baby or kill their baby cruelly, it because lower income. They actually not have able to raise their baby or direct give others people rise. This is also due to the number of family is big or single family.

      Apart from that, students will dump their baby cruelly, due to still studying. Most of the baby dumping cases in Malaysia is happening in secondary high school. Students will dump their baby, it because they fell disgrace and scare will abandon by their friend or family.
      The most important issues are, the girl who have a baby unwantedly must have strong support by family yet they did receive it. Some of the family will start to abandon or given the stress to dump the baby, because they thing this baby will throw they face. Some of the family mind thinking still remains conservative, and they just want the baby boy instead of baby girl.

       The above causes have showed us our moral value is devaluing. We can’t image what are going to happen on the future. 

The impacts of society 
      Baby dumping brings a lot of negative effects to the society, if these problems can’t solve completely.
Firstly, Mother of baby will have a biggest mental pressure from their family or may lead to suicide, because baby mother are force to dump their baby by their family due to conservative thinking. Another hand, mother of baby might run away from the house and go others place to raise their own baby. This will lead to conflict and misunderstanding within the family.
     Next, if the baby luckily survived, they will not have chance to growth in a normal family. It will lead to lost self-confident, bad behavior and manner problem and so on to the survived baby. After the baby has become adult, they will bring a lot of the crimes to community. For example, murder, Robbery, kidnap, baby dumping and so on.  

     Another hand, some of the families they have not preparation to open minded yet, they have bad perception towards pregnant women. This may affect women lost confident, feel unhelpful and lastly women will dump their baby. This situation is happening commonly in community nowadays.

     The most important reasons are, teenagers will lean a lot of ‘dirty’ information through porn movie. A lot of porn movie provided by internet are free. In order to attract more teenagers to view the porn pages, the publisher will put several of sex pictures inside the webpages. It will affect teenagers mind thinking become pervert and try to use it on the real world. The teenagers will make baby dumping as a trend, other teenagers will follow it.

        In my opinion, to fully solve this problem they are a few step government or parents must take it. Government should enhance the level of law, to punish the baby dumper. Through this step is to ensure baby dumping will be controlled. Another hand, government must provide the medical central to take care the abandoned baby. Besides take care of the baby, government must provide the education opportunity for the abandoned baby, to make sure they still have chance to learn.

        For the family part, family supposed to educate their sun about sex education patiently. Family can refer to the internet or attending the sex education speaks to make sure their children can learn a complete sex educational. Unfortunately if their own son has pregnancy, they must fully support them without any condition. To make sure their sons no has any mental pressure and continue to live in future.

The impacts of nation

     As we know, teenagers are our hopes by which they will be the leaders of tomorrow and they are the one who will lead the world. Baby dumping will happens seriously among teenagers, it has already showed failure of a country’s sex education. Malaysia government must always update and implement the sex education for all people in this country. Through this alternative, the cases of baby dumping will reduce as we hope.

     Another hand, baby dumping will also affect a country the image and reputation. Let’s say if the number of the baby dumping is high in that country, foreign people will give a bad comment. However that country rich in nature resource or any great contribution, outside people will always think that country just concern on building not in humanity.

     Besides that, impact of baby dumping wills happen seriously can show us that the moral values among a country or ethic are devaluing. Because people are not worry about how amazing if got a baby yet they just simply destroy them without any reason. If the moral value of a country has devaluated, mean the country will always live in unrest.

Baby dumping will also affected country stability. It wills bring long term of damaging a country political and economic. Due to the survived baby does not grow in a normal family, they will become crime maker. When the crime becomes raising, businessman from foreign will no invest in that country to avoid economic lost. Another hand, foreign university will not promote their good education to this country, due to that country’s education has devaluated.

Lastly to build a peaceful and harmony nation, political and all of us must important the moral value of the community. Baby is one of the present which given by god, they are the future builder of country. We can’t simply destroy them yet we must cultivate them properly to towards nation objectives. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

compare and contrast English exercises...

contrast about house 

i)                    Introduction
Mr Yap is a worker of Inti International University. He just married with his wife Ms Lee past years ago. In this few years Ms yap has helped Mr yap born 2 babies. Due to the house spaces is becoming small, Mr yap has decided to buy a new house near by his working place. They are 3 issues that Mr yap must be considered. 
ii)                  Topic Sentence 1
He has to consider about the price of both houses whether he can afford it or not.
Supporting Detail 1
In  Taman Jaya area  is an affordable houses which will not burden him. RM250000
Supporting Detail 2
In Taman Aman area have a house that can fulfill Mr yap personal needs, but the prices is very expensive. Rm 350000

iii)                Topic Sentence 2
He has to consider the needs of both houses towards himself and his family.
Supporting Detail 1
Most of the houses in Taman Jaya have 4 sleeping room 3 bath rooms , it is enough for Mr yap families. 
Supporting Detail 2
Most of the houses in Taman Aman are Bangalore, have 6 sleeping room, 4 bath room. Mr yap will feel very waste that because they are only 4 members in his families. 
iv)                Topic Sentence 3
Mr yap have considered the distance  from his house to work place.
Supporting Detail 1
Taman Jaya is nearby Inti International University.
Supporting Detail 2
Taman Aman is far then Taman Jaya.

v)                  Conclusion
After considering all the benefits and the weakness of both houses , Mr Yap has decided to choose the Taman Jaya area's house as his new residents. This is because he has put his family member priority when buying the house.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The end of the week =}

Finally this week is going to end.Right now I want to tell you guys what I have done and undergoing in this week.They are a few problems what I have faced in this week.

    When I was attending the moral classes, I Just can understood a little bit.Maybe that time, the surrounding class is full of the noisy sound. I try to hear what lecturer taught and found the sentences in the dictionary, yet i still don't know what lecturer had taught on the classes. 

    Fortunately the business studies I still can understood what lecturer had taught. In Saturday morning , I finished the tutorial which given by lecturer efficiency.For this subject, i still can overcome. It because the information which lecturer given us i had studied when i was studying in high school.

    For the economics, I think I also can Overcome it. I can understood what lecturer taught, yet the calculate part I still can't understood. But I am going to learn carefully and clearly. Hope I can handle the calculate part in short time.
     For the English, I really faced a few of big problems. This week lecturer taught us how to use write summary by using the main points and use our own world to write. It is very difficult for me to learn. Whatever how hard English, i will always try my best to overcome it. (lecturer i will find you ) 

    Lastly, the mathematics also make me crazy. A lot of friends said that, students from chinese independent high school are expert in maths. This i can't deny, but for me i am students who also bad in maths.Whatever how hard, i will overcome as well as i can. 
     Finally this semester really very lack of times, i will try to manage my timetable and concentrate on study more. I wish i will not retake in this semester ,because i already 19 years old.    

encourage of sentences

Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing and love ends when you stop caring. So dream hope and love...Makes Life Beautiful。

Saturday, September 24, 2011

ENL Exercise-Paraphrasing

1.We walk around the beautiful street with flowers.

2.Ah Beng felt boring , because of the lecturer was uninterested.

3.The behavior of the children from broken homes have analyzed by  

4.An angry customers have rushed into manager's room.

5.The witnesses of the accident must give information in court.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

About Myself

       Hello,how are you guys lately ? How do you do?I hope so!My name is Yap Dyi 

Chen.English name is Andy, you guys can address me  Andy directly or Yap Dyi Chen.

I am 19 years old, sure oldest then most of you guys.I come from Telok Panglima 

Garang Kuala Langat Selangor, this place also under control of klang's local 


       I love sports, such as tennis, badminton, jogging, swimming(still don't 

know how to swim, but i will learn), basketball, football and so on. Another hand, 

I also like to listen music and meet new friends. I am a kind boy, like to help 

others or make others happy as well as I can.

       The goal for last semester is,passes all of the subjects.Be honestly, I am 

a student from private Chinese high school, so my English actually is very bad. 

But I feel very luckily, it because I passed all of the subjects on last semester. 

       The goals for this semester 2 are improving English, math and leader style.

English is an international language, we must learn properly especially in 

speaking and writing parts. Besides that, Math also important in businesses 

field.I must be honestly to tell you guys about my math also bad, hope you guys 

will teach me patiently. For the leadership style , I would like to influence or 

lead others.I have already 19 years old , so I suppose to have a mature mindset, 

to give others good perception and try to lead others.

        Finally I wish you guys have a nice day and all the best when you guys 

are facing various of problems. Nice to meet you and thank you very much!

Sentences of encourages 

This World is going very fast if you want to touch the foot of success you also have to go very fast otherwise you will never be able to touch the foot of success.